Clocks Go Back: Seven Things to do with an Extra Hour

At 2am this Sunday 28th October 2018 the clocks go back by one hour, which marks the end of daylight savings time in the UK. That means lighter mornings, darker evenings, and a bonus extra hour of weekend!

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But how can you make the best use of this extra hour? We’ve compiled seven wonderfully worthwhile and life-enhancing things you can do with an extra hour in your day… other than having a much-needed nap.


1. Snooze, of course...

Well we said we wouldn’t mention it, but it’s Sunday. Who doesn’t want an extra hour in bed?! Use this time to catch up on some beauty sleep and recharge for the week ahead with an hour’s extra lie-in* - plus none of the guilt!

You could even treat yourself to a very stylish new alarm clock – just for the pleasure you’ll derive from being able to ignore its alarm this Sunday.

*For those with small children and zero need of an alarm clock… we apologise for mentioning the s***p word. We promise you will get a full night’s rest again at some point… just perhaps not this year… yawn…

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2. Switch up your style

Bored of the same old look? Use the extra hour to do some research on a new winter wardrobe. Neutral tones are one of AW18’s biggest trends, so head to Instagram or Pinterest and get inspired with some new outfit ideas.

This activity can also be enjoyed from the comfort of your bed – in which case you would be nailing two worthwhile and life-enhancing things in one. Pat yourself on the back for your outstanding productivity and have a lie down to recover.


3. Change your career 

The best way to ditch the Sunday evening blues is by finding a job you’re actually eager to wake up to on a Monday morning. Use the extra hour to polish up your CV and get searching for your perfect post. If you’re based in Shropshire you could even come join the Newgate team! Discover our latest job opportunities in sales, supply and design over on our jobs page.

You can even apply from your bed… we won’t judge.


4. Get your Christmas shopping sorted


OK, we said it. Once the triple-whammy of the clocks going back, Halloween and Bonfire’s Night are out of the way, there’s really only one thing on everybody’s mind… Christmas!

Beat the rush and use this extra hour to get some presents ticked off your Christmas list. Plus, the joys of online shopping mean you can find the perfect gift without lifting your head from the pillow… win-win.

Oh wait - did we hear someone say gift ideas?...

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5. Hang that Clock

We get it, you spend ages searching for the finishing touch to your décor, and then when the clock of your dreams finally arrives on your doorstep you realise that you have to locate and master the right tools to get your much-anticipated wall clock onto the actual wall. At this point you decide to admire it in its box for a little longer.

Use this extra hour to dig out the tool box and get that wall clock hung. We’ll just leave these here as inspiration (seeing as you might actually have to get out of bed for this one)…


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Image credit: Shaker Kitchen Company                 Image credit: @frostandlane



6. Get in an extra hour on the dancefloor

Not ready to call it a night yet? Find a club that’s honouring the clocks going back and opening their doors for an extra hour. Then dance your socks off. (You crazy energetic thing – why aren’t you in bed?!)

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7. Create a GIF to wow your friends

Everyone knows you can't beat a GIF right? So here’s some we made earlier: Clocks Go Back and Watches Go Back. They didn’t actually take us an hour though. Honest. Especially if our boss is reading this. 

Now that we've done the hard work for you why not save time and share this one with your friends to remind them all that the clocks go back this weekend… then you can use the other 55 minutes for a nap!