Happy International Women's Day!

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In celebration of International Women's Day we chatted to the awesome females at Newgate, including our ultimate #femaleboss & founder Chloe, to find out which women inspire them.

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Let’s hear it for the girls! At Newgate all of our heads of department are female. The global theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is #BalanceForBetter, a call-to-action for a more gender-balanced world through collaboration. Read on to discover the fierce females that the ladies of Newgate admire…


Chloe, Founder - Malala Yousafzai and J.K Rowling 

International Women's Day 2019. - chloe

“We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.” Malala Yousafzai

I’ve read Malala’s book a couple of times and passed it on to my children. I love what she’s fighting for, it’s empowering and at such a young age, it really is amazing. She’s a game-changer!

“You sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve.” JK Rowling

I love that JK Rowling made her female characters independent, intelligent and opinionated! They are great role models for young females. Plus, she didn’t get published until she was 32, she never gave up.



Amy, Marketing - Baddie Winkle


International Women's Day - Baddie Winkel

“I wear colourful clothes. It makes me happy. Everyone needs to find what makes them happy." Baddie Winkel

I feel like older people, older women especially, can be ignored by the media. Our society celebrates youth and ignores the vast wealth of experience and knowledge that the older generation has to offer. As a woman especially, there’s a notion that you’re meant to fade away gracefully once you’re no longer young or the standardised version of ‘beautiful’.

So, I love the fact that Baddie Winkel isn’t going quietly! She’s thrown out beige for fluoro and is having great fun with fashion at 80+. She’s now amassed a following of 3.8 million on her Instagram account – including the Kardashians and Rihanna! I hope she can inspire us all to forget about how we ‘should’ behave at a certain age and just enjoy ourselves for as long as we’re here!


Lucy, Merchandising - Alexa Chung

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“A bad outfit can really get me down. If I'm wearing something really normal and boring, it's like torture.” Alexa Chung

Alexa is my ultimate style icon. She dresses for herself and doesn’t care what anybody thinks. I think this is so important, especially for the younger generation today. She also has a wicked sense of humour and doesn’t take herself too seriously!


Anna, Designer - Lady Gaga

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“If you see somebody that’s hurting don’t look away. And if you’re hurting, even though it might be hard, try to find that bravery within yourself to dive deep and go tell somebody and take them up in your head with you.” Lady Gaga

I admire Lady Gaga for using her fame to help raise awareness for mental health; through her movie, A Star is Born, and the speeches she makes.


Lottie, Supply - Marilyn Monroe

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“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” Marilyn Monroe

She’s a classic cultural icon. A natural beauty, talented and successful!


Sian, Sales - The Unmumsy Mum 

The Unmumsy Mum

“It is ok to lose your s*** sometimes because if you keep your s***, you’ll end up full of s*** and then you’ll explode and there will be s*** everywhere. And nobody wants that.” The Unmumsy Mum

As a working mum, I look to other mums for inspiration. The Unmumsy Mum and Hurrah for Gin are favourites of mine. They aren’t afraid to be honest and just say it how it is. I think it’s important, especially in the digital world we live in, that influencers are being real.


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